Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Walker Tries To Deflect Devastating Cuts-To-Education Story

Two things interest me about the news that Wisconsin finds itself #1 on a list of states in per-pupil school aid cuts.

As the reporting expanded Tuesday on JS online, Walker's flack got into the story with the Governor's tag line that the state had given local districts the "tools" to better manage the cuts.

They've been on that talking-point relentlessly for months, as if that compensates for the impact of the cuts in classrooms and on programs - - but give them credit for message discipline.

It's also interesting to see this story migrate from the policy group that posted it last week to Facebook, where I saw it Sunday, to the blogs (I posted it also Sunday, and moved it to Twitter, too) to the mainstream media earlier Tuesday.

Many bloggers often repost traditional newspaper items.

But this story is a good example of news flowing in the other direction.

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